* MIPS-Simulator : loader.js [Loads file into memory]
* Copyright (C) 2017 Progyan Bhattacharya, Bytes Club
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"use strict";
const fs = require("fs");
/** class: Loader
* @desc Loads Instruction Contents from File Passed as Parameter
* @param {string} file - Source File Path
* @param {Object} flag - Configuration Object
* @prop {boolean} isSilent - Omit Error Message to Standard Error
* @prop {boolean} showWarn - Display Warning instead of Error/Log
* @prop {boolean} showDetail - Display Details of The Error Message
* @prop {FileStream} loader - FileStream Module of Node.JS for File IO
* @prop {string} target - Path to Source File
* @prop {boolean} hasError - True iff Any Error has Occured
* @prop {string} errorText - The Error Message
* @prop {string} error - Details of The Error
* @prop {string} content - File Contents
class Loader extends Object {
constructor({ file, flag }) {
// House-keeing
if (typeof file === "undefined" || file === null) {
const err = "No file parameter passed. Expected one!";
throw err;
// Member variables
const flagDefined = typeof flag !== "undefined";
this.isSilent = flagDefined && typeof flag.silent === "boolean" ?
flag.silent :
this.showWarn = flagDefined && typeof flag.warning === "boolean" ?
flag.warning :
this.showDetail = flagDefined && typeof flag.details === "boolean" ?
flag.details :
this.loader = fs;
this.target = file;
this.hasError = false;
this.errorText = null;
this.error = null;
this.content = null;
this.getContent = this.getContent.bind(this);
this.getError = this.getError.bind(this);
/** method: load
* @desc Loads File Contents into Content Property
* @prop {FileStream} loader - File Loader for IO
* @prop {string} file - Target File Path
load() {
const { loader, target: file } = this;
// Check if file exist on path
if (! loader.existsSync(file)) {
this.hasError = true;
this.errorText = `Fatal Eror: The file ${file} does not exist.` +
" Make sure you supplied right path.";
// Check read permission on the file
try {
loader.accessSync(file, loader.constants.R_OK);
} catch (e) {
this.hasError = true;
this.errorText = `Fatal Error: Cannot read from file ${file}.` +
" Make sure you have READ permission on it.";
this.error = e.toString();
// Read file content
try {
this.content = loader.readFileSync(file, "ASCII");
} catch (e) {
this.hasError = true;
this.errorText = `Fatal Error: Failed to read from file ${file}.` +
" Make sure the file is not corrupted.";
this.error = e.toString();
/** method: getContent
* @desc Returns File Content to Caller Method
* @prop {boolean} hasError - If Error has Occured
* @prop {string} content - File Content
* @return {string} Set of Instructions as String
getContent() {
const { hasError, content } = this;
// Check if error took place
if (! hasError) {
return content;
/** method: getError
* @desc Display Error Information if any
* @prop {boolean} hasError - True iff Any Error has Occured
* @prop {boolean} isSilent - Omit Error Message to Standard Error
* @prop {boolean} showWarn - Display Warning instead of Error/Log
* @prop {boolean} showDetail - Display Details of The Error Message
* @prop {string} errorText - The Error Message
* @prop {string} error - Details of The Error
getError() {
{ hasError, isSilent, showWarn, showDetail, error, errorText } = this;
// If error occured
if (hasError) {
let errorMsg = errorText;
if (showDetail && error) {
errorMsg = `${errorMsg}\n${error}`;
if (isSilent) {
if (showWarn) {
} else {
} else {
module.exports = Loader;